
The Copy-Recipe, perfected.

Marketing and advertising require words to have an intended, effective result on its target audience. A brief glimpse, in an already short-attention-span populace, should be enough to intrigue the viewer and demand his full interest and curiosity.

At NeonXTC, we recognize that successful marketing campaigns whether online or offline, although each unique in its milieu, employ a mix of targeted advertising, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), copy editing, proofreading and content creation. We work with our clients right from the fundamentals, ensuring consistency in design and delivery in all modes of communication, through the diverse channels of delivery.

We help our customers, be it consumers or businesses carve their unique brand image and identity, solidifying their reputation as reliable and responsible. Better the visibility and higher the rankings, greater the brand awareness.

In adverse situations, we step in with damage-control techniques, resisting unwarranted attacks and negative criticism, while assessing damages, launching countermeasures against libel and defamation, and adopting corrective courses of action.

moving forward

Our services are designed for quick and easy deployment, at scale, for easy adoption and integration without being invasive, across all industries, design languages and cultures.