Social UX, reinvented.

Technology and solutions to empower your digital growth

Build beautiful, modern, secure and responsive websites, components and tools, with minimal effort

Web Development

Content creation for your brand, in your unique style, tone and design language, for all audiences

Content Writing

Marketing & Advertising through the perfect copy: crisp headlines, precise claims, calls-to-action that hook


Find online free educational events, classes, tutorials, webinars, masterclasses, workshops from all around the world

All events

Loyola College, Chennai attendance reports with detailed graphs, analysis, calculator and statistics

Attendance Stats
Who is NeonXTC?

NeonXTC offers customised Creative, Marketing and Advertising, Web Development, and Consulting services for the modern customer.

Our online platform is designed to stimulate your imagination while fostering inclusivity and humanity.

We enjoy all that Art and Literature offers, exploring the human condition through anthropology, philosophy and the humanities.

We develop disruptive technologies and sustainable products that are organic and responsible while redefining possibilities.

We're always seeking excellence; if you have a story to tell, an opinion to voice, or would like to contribute or collaborate, we would like to make that happen.

Get in touch